Users Manual Part 2

10 - 2 Operator’s Manual
10 Calibrating Your Analyzer
10.4 Running the Calibration Programs
The analyzer supports the following calibration programs:
Calibrator (administrators)
10.4.1 Notes before Calibration
Before calibration, check and make sure the analyzer works properly and enough reagents have
been prepared for the calibration. You need to start over the calibration if the reagents run out
during the process.
It is recommended that you create a log table for your analyzer. This log table should contain all
necessary information that is pertinent to your analyzer. Suggested items that you may want to
include in the log table are: calibration date, supplier of calibrator, lot number, expected results and
limits, and result of background check.
Be sure to mix any calibrators that have been prepared for a while before running it.
10.4.2 Manual Calibration
If you log in at the operator access level, you can only review calibration factors on the manual
calibration screen. You cannot edit the calibration factors.
Performing manual calibration
Do as follows to calibrate the analyzer.
1. Select a calibrator which meets the sample requirements for manual calibration, and run the
sample consecutively for n times (not less 3 times) in whole blood mode.
2. Calculate the CV values and the Mean values for the n tests.
You may review the CV and Mean values through the “Table Review” screen, see
“8.2.7 Calculating CV Values”.
3. Check if the CV values are in the acceptable ranges.
When the CV value for any parameter exceeds the acceptable range, check if the analyzer is
in error. If there are errors, remove the errors and test again. If the problem cannot be solved,
contact Customer Service Department.
4. TapMenu > Calibration > Manual” in turn to enter the “Manual” screen.
5. Calculate the new calibration factors for the parameters according to the following equation.
The calculated factors should show 2 decimal places.