Product Description

Bluetooth receiver
the pairing state, at this time can be used in a mobile search and connect)
连接完成后,手机会显示 BT 接收器已连接,此时可以执行各种操作,下次开机只需按下启动按钮 1 秒钟,
蓝灯亮,即松开,蓝牙接收器会自动返回 甚至在手机上 蓝牙接收器只能在手机上同时使用。 当你需要连
接另一部手机时,在断电状态下直接按 3 秒准备进入配对状态,此时可以用于手机搜索和连接)
4 once the pairing is successful, the device turns off the power supply, and the next time the
boot will automatically return, without the need to re pair the manual!
5 play mobile phone music (A2DP mode) 播放手机音乐(A2DP 模式)
6. To complete the connection, playing mobile phone inside the music, mobile phone inside the
broadcast of all sounds by the audio wire connected to the car audio equipment, from the car audio
play out (for example: music phone, Bluetooth phone, navigation mobile phone broadcast voice.
Please according to the next steps:
放出来(例如:音乐手机,蓝牙手机,导航手机) 广播语音。请按照以下步骤:
7.1.0: audio line using the provided and joint, connecting the Bluetooth music receiver to your
home or car stereo audio equipment. Please confirm the
使用提供的和连接的音频线,将蓝牙音乐接收器连接到您的家庭或汽车立体声音频设备。 请确认一下
7.1.1 transmitter (Bluetooth audio receiver, hand machine, and other related equipment) has been
opened and is paired with Bluetooth music receiver, and the equipment in the range of 10m
发射器(蓝牙音频接收器,手持机器和其他相关设备)已打开并与蓝牙音乐接收器配对,设备在 10 米范围
7.1.2 Bluetooth audio receiver on the LED lamp turn blue and flashing slowly, which said it had
successfully connected
LED 灯上的蓝牙音频接收器变蓝并缓慢闪烁,表示已成功连接
7.1.3 when playing music, the music will be to the Bluetooth music receiver via Bluetooth wireless
transmission. Let you enjoy the music!
播放音乐时,音乐将通过蓝牙无线传输到蓝牙音乐接收器。 让你享受音乐吧!
Note: if you can't listen to music 如果你不能听音乐
A: please make sure that your stereo system has been connected to the Bluetooth receiver
B: check and make sure that your audio volume is not set to a minimum or a mute state.
Bluetooth call 蓝牙通话
1: when your mobile phone is used by default for Bluetooth microphones, telephone access can
through the built-in mic hands-free calls.