User's Guide

iBeacon: You can program the UUID (16 bytes), Major (2 bytes) and Minor (2 bytes). For example,
UUID: 11223344-5566-7788-9900-112233445566.
Attention: you must enter the characters as per the format limit and digit limit, otherwise, the
UUID will be neglected to the default value. For example, xxxxxxx(7-digit character)-xxx(3-digit
character)-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx(11-digit character) is a wrong UUID.
Major: 43707(0xAABB)
Minor: 52445(0xCCDD)
Adv Interval: You can program the broadcast interval from 100ms to 5000ms.
RSSI@1M: You can program the RSSI in 1m as you hope.
Tx power: The Tx power range is -40dBm~4dBm.
Trigger: if the beacons you bought are with accelerometer sensor, you can program how to test
them as you hope. The trigger function is “off in default.
UID: You can program the NameSpaceID (10 bytes) and InstanceID (6 bytes) as an example as
NameSpaceID: 00112233445566778899---(20-digit characters)
InstanceID: AABBCCDDEEFF----(12-digit characters)