Operation Manual

TeamGee Electric Skateboard
The bushing is an indispensable and important part of skateboard, and users can adjust its tightness according to their
weight and riding habit, so as to better experience the fun of sliding. As shown in the figure: adjust nut tightness, and the
skateboard’s steering angle, sliding stability and steering sensitivity can be changed. (The nuts should not be too loose, to
prevent the nuts from falling off and causing danger during the riding).
Tips: Soft / Loose bushing is easier for turning but it will make it unstable to ride at high speeds; the hard/tight bushing is
difficult for turning, but it will make it stable to ride at high speeds.
Simply learn the electric skateboard and prepare for the first ride
1. Power-on
Turn on the power switch of skateboard first (the switch is POWER button on the cover plate at the bottom of
skateboard), and then turn on the power switch of remote control.
Note: some models have the function of self-starting power switch, meaning that you can start the skateboard by pushing
it forward without having to manually turn on the power switch. It saves time and effort and is convenient and quick.
2. Inspect the speed mode
Inspect the speed modes of the remote control and it is advised that a beginner should put the speed mode on low-speed
during the first use. Please select appropriate speed mode according to your familiarity with the skateboard.
3. Stand on the board
Stand with your feet wider, stand on the deck and with the support of other person or the wall, try to stand on the deck
steadily; before standing on the skateboard, pull the throttle on the remote control all the way down to lock the board,
which will help you to stay stabilized on the skateboard; bend you knees slightly will help you keep balance.
4. Control the forward acceleration.
If it is the first time of you standing on the skateboard, pull the throttle of the remote control all the way down (braking
status), then stand on the skateboard and you will be stable; then try to push the throttle upward to accelerate slowly; for
beginners, please push the throttle to accelerate slowly, and if you push it too fast, you might lose balance and fall from
the skateboard. When accelerating, lean forward, put the center of your body weight on the front foot and you will be
5. Turning
Take an example of the standing posture with the left foot in front of the right; it will be opposite if the user adopts the
standing posture with the right foot in front of the left.
Keep balance, and bend your knees slightly.