User's Manual

3. Choose the device to be connected with.
4. If another device requires matching before data transmission, the
device will send hint and require inputting matching password.
5. After the connection is established, the mobile phone will display
data transmission speed.
6. When other Bluetooth devices send data to my service, the mobile
phone will hint and ask whether to receive the data. The received data
will be stored in the initially set received folder.
Tip: You can set the storage position to receive files as other folders
or the folders on T-flash card. After setting, the file received via
Bluetooth will be automatically saved to the specified folder.
Before using Bluetooth headset for calls, please go to the menu
settings to confirm that the audio path has been set as hand-free
Use the following methods to disconnect:
Close the activated Bluetooth to disconnect all devices.
Enter online devices and disconnect the specified online service.
Enter my devices and delete the matched devices to disconnect
other devices with my device.
The connection with the devices out of the signal coverage will
be ineffective.
With this function, you can use the inbuilt camera to take photos.
The lens of the camera is located on the back of the slide and the screen
is used as the viewing window. All photos taken are in JPG form. After
downloading the photos onto PC, you need some software to view
If the storage space of the mobile phone is insufficient to store the
taken photos, it is necessary to delete some old photos or other files in
“File Management” function list to release more space.
Description of Mobile Phone Options: