Users Manual Part 3

Device name: Tap to edit your phone’s display name.
Phone number: Display your phone number.
Emergency information: Add medical information and emergency
contacts to help rst responders in an emergency. Anyone can read this
information from your lock screen and dial your emergency contacts
without unlocking your phone.
Medical information: Add your medical information such as your name,
address, blood type, allergies, etc.
Emergency contacts: Choose contacts as your emergency contacts to
be accessed from the lock screen in case of an emergency.
Legal information: View your device’s legal information, including third-
party licenses, Google legal, system web view licenses, etc.
SIM status: View your SIM status information, such as network, phone
number on SIM, Mobile network state, etc.
Model & hardware: View your device model and hardware information.
IMEI: View your IMEI.
Android version: View your device’s current Android version and other
relevant information.
IP address: View your IP address.
Wi-Fi MAC address: View your Wi-Fi MAC address.
Bluetooth address: View your Bluetooth address.
Software version: View your software version.
Build number: View your build number.
Hardware version: View your hardware version.