
Table Of Contents
SDK software development | VI-88R development handbook
BYTE Port2; //(23)
BYTE Reserve24; //(24)notified MAC,mofi by mqs
20121207 reserve
BYTE ArgentinaSim; //(25)//emulation
BYTE CardTime1; //(26)//reading time-out 1
BYTE CardTime2; //(27)//reading time-out 2
BYTE ArgentinaMode; //(28)//5 modes for argentina, 0---Only
ATA ; 1---Only EPC; 2---Only EPC & TID; 3---ATA + EPC; 4---ATA + EPC &
BYTE Reserve29; //(29)
BYTE Alarm; //(30)0-no alarm1-alarm. To detect if
alarm in timing and trigger modes.
BYTE Reserve31; //(31)time interval for standard output
default value is 120s1255.
BYTE EnableRelay; //(32)to control relay or not in Auto mode
1:control 0: no control
} ReaderAutoParam;
//frequency for various countries
static const tagReaderFreq stuctFreqCountry[]=
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