
Table Of Contents
SDK software development | VI-88R development handbook
hSocket : reader communication handle
return: if return value of function is OK, it means connection success,
otherwise, connection fail.
Note: each reader shall execute the command to get corresponding
reader communication handle hSocket. Disconnection
RS232,RS485 disconnection with reader
apiReturn DisconnectScanner(HANDLE hScanner)
apiReturn Net_DisconnectScanner();
Function: to stop the connection with reader to release serial resource.
Input parameter:
hSacnner: reader communication handle Set baud rate
apiReturn _stdcall SetBaudRate(HANDLE hScanner, int nBaudRate,int
apiReturn Net_SetBaudRate(SOCKET hSocket, int nBaudRate);
Function: to set operation baud rate of RS232 port.
Input parameter:
hSacnner/hSocket: reader communication handle
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