User's Manual

Print purchasing receipt and upload when next POS online or before next batch
settlement online;
II settlement adjustment
Adjust the current batch settlement amount, or supperadd tip of current batch sales, which is only available for
visa, mastercard ect. Banking cards.
Operation steps:
1under main menu to select “5. Settlement”
2select2. Settlement adjustment” and press “OK”
3input original transaction receipt No. and press “OK’;
4after figuring out original transaction, handle them again again:
Original is sales, then input sales amount and press “OK”;
If original is not sales, then input adjusted amount and press “OK”;
5print receipt;
FunctionCardholder inquiry his balance by POS. this transaction don’t attend
Operation steps:
1under main menu to select “8. Other operation” and select “1. Balance inquiry”
2swiping card
3input password, if no password, please press “OK”
4pos will return the balance of banking card.
Response Test
Under main menu to select “8. Other operation”, then select “2. Response test, then you can test the
Ethernet between POS and banking switch, if connecting success, POS will promptcomm. Line works
FunctionWhen pos go on batch settlement, POS will upload debit amount, load amount in
batch to banking switch center to handle response message of batch settlement.
When POS in batch settlement, it will do settlement according to different RMB
account and foreign currency account separately. After finishing, it will
implement reconciliation between POS and banking switch center. Then POS
will print settlement receipt automatically and clear cache at the same time.
Operation steps:
1under main menu to select “7. Management”, and then select “6. Settlement”
2G3 will show debit and load times and amount according to different banking cards;
3please press upward key and downward key to switch showing RMB or other foreign