User's Manual

Add other apps
You can also download apps from the Chrome Web Store to use on your Chromebook.
Here are some suggested apps:
Apps for every day
Recommended Chromebook app
Save a file
Google Drive or Dropbox
Read email
Gmail, Inbox, or other webmail services
Organize events on a calendar
Google Calendar
Write a note
Google Keep, Evernote, or Wunderlist
Chat with friends and family
Google Hangouts or Facebook
Watch a movie, clip, or tv show
Google Play Movies, Vine, Netflix, or YouTube
Edit a video or movie
Vine, WeVideo Next, or YouTube Video Editor
Listen to music
Google Play Music, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon
Organize and save music
Google Play Music or Amazon Music
Edit or create music
Play a game
Cut the Rope, Entanglement, WGT Golf
Edit, organize, and store photos
Google Photos, Pixlr Editor, or Pixlr Touch Up
Create a card, newsletter, or flyer
Draw a picture
Sketchpad, muro, or Sumo Paint
Read a book
Google Play Books or Kindle Cloud Reader
Get the news and weather
Google News, feedly, or WeatherBug
Research travel information
Find local business information & directions
Google Maps
Play fun family games
Qbox, Coloring Pages, or Planeto Quiz
Look up new recipes
Learn a new language
Apps for school
Recommended Chromebook app
Take notes or write a document
Google Keep, Google Docs, Evernote, or Quick Note
Create a presentation
Google Slides
Create a diagram
Google Drawings
Create a spreadsheet
Google Sheets or Zoho Sheet
Keep track of things to do
Google Tasks or Google Keep