User's Manual

Selftest printing method: Power off the printer, then hold down theFEEDbutton and press the
power button at the same time. Wait until the battery indicator &ERRORled is on ,then loosen
theFEEDbutton,the current setting will be printed out.
3-2-5. Hexadecimal printing
The function of hexadecimal printing is to print the information received from host machine
by hexadecimal form. It is convenient for application debugging.
Way Into hexadecimal printing: Power off the printer, hold down theMODEbutton and press the
power button at the same time. Wait until the battery indicator &ERRORled are both on, and
then ERRORled goes out, then loosen theMODEbutton. The printer turns into the
hexadecimal printing mode and print the presentation.
Way to quit hexadecimal printing : The way to quit hexadecimal printing mode is switch off the
printer .
3-2-6. Set printing density
Power off the printer, then hold down theFEEDbutton and press the power button at the same
time. Wait until the battery indicator &ERRORled are both on, and then ERRORled goes out,
after, ERRORled goes on again ,then loosen theFEEDbutton, the density setting status will
be printed out. (It has three levels setting for printing density, it is a circle Low levelàMiddle
levelàHigh levelàLow level…, Please switch the density status by repeating operation presented
3-2-7. Set printer language
Power off the printer, then hold down theFEEDbutton and press the power button at the same
time. Wait until the battery indicator &ERRORled are both on, and then ERRORled goes off,
then loosen theFEEDbutton, the language setting status will be printed out.( It has Two
languages setting for the printer, please switch the language status by repeating operation
presented above.)
3-2-8. Set other parameters
User can set more parameters for the printer by using software tool <iprinter.exe> through
computer. You could find <iprinter.exe> in our disk or download it from our website. The setting
includes: set default code page, set default baud rate (only for serial interface), download NV logo.
3-3. Cleaning of printer