User's Manual

[Details] · Only the lowest bit of n is valid.
· This command is enabled only when processed at the beginning of a line in
standard mode.
· When this command is input in page mode, the printer performs only internal
flag operations.
· This command does not affect printing in page mode.
· In upside-down printing mode, the printer rotates the line to be printed by 180°
and then prints it.
[Default] n = 0
FS p n m (*
[Name] Print NV bit image
[Format] ASCII FS p n m
Hex 1C 70 n m
Decimal 28 112 n m
[Range] 0 £ n £ 255
0 £ m £ 3 , 48 £ m £ 51
[Description] Prints a NV bit image n using the mode specified by m.
m Mode Vertical Dot Density
Horizontal Dot Density
0, 48 Normal 200 dpi 200 dpi
1, 49 Double-width
200 dpi 100 dpi
2, 50 Double-height
100 dpi 200 dpi
3, 51 Quadruple 100 dpi 100 dpi
[dpi: dots per 25.4 mm {1"}]
· n is the number of the NV bit image (defined using the FS q command).
· m specifies the bit image mode.
[Details] · NV bit image means a bit image which is defined in a non-volatile memory by
FS q and printed by FS p.
· This command is not effective when the specified NV bit image has not been
· In standard mode, this command is effective only when there is no data in the print