Owner`s manual

Page 12
Remote Control Codes and Signal Specications
RS-232-Serial Codes
The Sherbourn PA 2-50 responds to serial codes in standard text format.
The following list of codes must be sent precisely as shown;
everything after the equals sign (=) is part of the code, INCLUDING THE SINGLE QUOTES;
the single quotes (apostrophes) MUST be included or the code will not be accepted
Power On = ’@112’
Power Off = ’@113’
Input 1 = ’@15A
Input 2 = ’@15B’
Input Auto = ’@15Z’
Mute On = ’@11Q’
Mute Off = ’@11R’
Mute Toggle = ’@11U’
Volume Up = ’@11S’
Volume Dn = ’@11T’
Volume Direct = ’@11P’xxx
(xxx represent three decimal digits from 000 to 080 -
000 is full volume; 080 is minimum volume)
Recommended serial port settings are 9600,N,8,1, NO handshake
Required cable is a “standard one-to-one male-to-female 9-pin D-sub serial cable”;
the PA 2-50 requires pin 2 to pin 2, pin 3 to pin 3, and pin 5 to pin 5
(you may use a fully wired one-to-one cable; do NOT use a “null modem” cable)
IR Remote Control Codes
The Sherbourn PA 2-50 responds to “16-bit custom NEC style IR codes”
Power On = 01F601
Power Off = 01F604
Input 1 = 01F606
Input 2 = 01F60A
Input Auto = 01F609
Mute Toggle = 01F605
Volume Up = 01F60C
Volume Dn = 01F60E
To generate the “full NEC IR codes”, enter these codes into IR Code Doctor or a similar code
converter, choose to Create an NEC Code; the left 4 hex digits are converted into decimal
(01F6 hex = 502 decimal) and entered into the System eld; the right two hex digits are converted
into decimal and entered into the Command eld. This will yield what some vendors refer to as the
“full NEC IR code”; converting to RAW will yield the “Pronto” style code.
These codes are provided for you on the next page (and may be cut and pasted from the PDF
version of this manual). Simply cut and paste ONLY the block of numbers after the equals sign into
your code editor.
45 123
9 678
PA 2-50 rear panel
D-sub 9-pin female