
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
© 2002 Design, 2011 Doc. No. 12-5274-r01 (8/31/11)
Time and Date Displays
Time displays are shown in hour:minute format (i.e., 1:09 represents 1 hour and 9 minutes, not 109 minutes!).
The colon that separates hours and minutes blinks once per second when the display is indicating real time
(e.g., Elapsed Dive Time), and is solid (non-blinking) when times are calculated projections (e.g., Time to
The Main Time display is congured with the second largest digits of the LCD (Fig. 6a). A second time dis-
play (Fig. 6b) provides additional Times such as Surface Interval and Elapsed Dive Time.
Date (Fig. 6c) is only displayed during select surface modes such as the TIME screen.
• Month always appears to the left of Day, even when set for Metric units.
Temperature Display
Ambient Temperature (Fig. 7a) is viewed as part of Alternate Displays. If the Temperature exceeds a value of
99, 2 dashes ( - - ) will be displayed on the screen until the Ambient Temperature decreases to 99.
NOTE: The Informational Displays are described in detail as the various operating
modes they appear in are presented throughout this manual.
When Reminder Alarm situations activate the Alarm, the unit will emit a quick double beep each second for
10 seconds, or until the situation is corrected, or it is acknowledged by pressing the Advance (Front) button.
When Cautionary Alarm situations activate the Alarm, the beep will be on for 1/2 second then off 1/2 second,
repeating for 10 seconds, or until the situation is corrected, or it is acknowledged by pressing the Advance
(Front) button.
Some Alarms cannot be acknowledged. These are differentiated by 1 beep per second for 10 seconds fol-
lowed by a full 3 second beep.
If an Alarm is acknowledged and the situation corrected, the Alarm will sound again if the situation occurs
again, or another Alarm situation occurs.
A single short beep is emitted after the Diagnostic check, upon automatic return to Surface Mode from Simu-
lator Mode, upon completion of a fast battery change with calculations/settings saved, and upon change from
Delayed to Full Violation after that dive.
A red LED Warning Light located on the lower/left portion of the module is synchronized with the Audible
Alarm and will ash when the Alarm sounds. A scrolling message will also be displayed in the upper por-
tion of the screen. The LED will turn OFF when the Alarm is acknowledged or Set OFF, however, the mes-
sage will continue to scroll until the condition is cleared. In the event that another Alarm situation occurs, its
scrolling message will be displayed until it is acknowledged, at which time it will be replaced by the message
that was previously scrolling.
Reminder Alarm situations include -
• PO2 equal to or greater than 1.60 ATA, or the Max PO2 Alarm setting.
• Descent deeper than the Max Depth Alarm setting.
• Dive Time Remaining decreases to the Alarm setting.
• Tank Pressure decreases to the Turn Pressure Alarm setting.
Cautionary Alarm situations include -
• Entry into Decompression Mode
• O2 Accumulation equal to or greater than allowable per dive limit, or limit for a 24 hour period.
Ascending above a required Decompression Stop Depth for less than 5 minutes.
Ascent rate exceeds 60 FPM (18 MPM) when depth is greater than 60 FT (18 M), or 30 FPM (9 MPM)
at 30 FT (9 M) or shallower.
• Tank Pressure decreases to the End Pressure Alarm setting.
• Entry into Delayed or Full Violation modes (described later).
Fig. 7 - Temperature
Fig. 6 - Time & Date