Instruction manual

9. Technical Information
9.3 Maintenance Parts
9.3.1 Consumable Parts
9.3.2 Replacement Parts
Optical System
Part Name Part No. Remark
Xenon lamp 228-51511-95 Light source
Cell gasket 228-50422-01 Flow cell part
Cell 228-48626 Cell made of quartz glass
Air filter, side 228-51147
This is a filter to prevent dust being sucked inside the
instrument. It is fitted in the air inlet on the right side
face of the instrument.
Air filter, front 228-51146
This is a filter to prevent dust being sucked inside the
instrument. It is fitted in the air inlet on the front face of
the instrument.
Part Name Part No. Remark
Low-pressure Hg (mercury) lamp 228-50946-91
For wavelength checks and wavelength calibration
(RF-20Axs only)
Ellipsoidal mirror ASSY 228-51509-95 For condensing light from the Xenon lamp
Back mirror ASSY 228-51510-95 Mirror in lamp housing (RF-20Axs only)
Hg lamp mirror ASSY 228-45991-95 For reflecting light from the Hg lamp
EX grating ASSY 228-45997-95 For excitation monochromator
EM grating ASSY 228-45965-95 For emission monochromator
EM mirror1 ASSY 228-45968-95 Spherical mirror in the EM monochromator
EM mirror2 ASSY 228-45971-95 Plane mirror in the EM monochromator
Splitter ASSY 228-45748-95
Photo-diode ASSY 228-51073-95 For monitoring the EX beam
Photomultiplier (R3788) 200-75031 For RF-20Axs
Photomultiplier (R212-14) 200-75033 For RF-20A
PMT base ASSY, 20Axs 228-51703-91 For RF-20Axs
PMT base ASSY, 20A 228-51703-92 For RF-20A
Window 228-45749-01 For the lamp housing
EX motor 228-45743-91 For EX grating rotation
EM motor 228-45948-91 For EM grating rotation
Hg mirror motor 228-45744-95 For Hg lamp mirror rotation (RF-20Axs only)
EX photo-sensor ASSY 228-51007-42 EX HP sensor with wire harness