Instruction manual

4.2 Measuring in the Dual Wavelength Mode
4.2 Measuring in the Dual Wavelength
This section explains the procedure for measurement in the dual wavelength mode.
In the dual wavelength mode you can set the excitation wavelength and emission wavelength of channel 1
and channel 2, and record chromatograms for each channel at the same time.
When quantifying in the dual wavelength mode, create the calibration curve in the dual wavelength mode.
The wavelength accuracies in the single wavelength mode and dual wavelength mode are different, and
there will be differences in the peak heights between them.
Before making settings, turn the power to the instrument ON to make the operation keys operable.
^ "3.2 Turning the Power ON/OFF" P.3-3
When this instrument is used in the RF-10A
XL compatibility mode, measurement in the dual wavelength
mode is not possible.
4.2.1 Setting the Measurement Mode
Set the measurement mode to dual wavelength.
Press .
The initial screen will be displayed.
Press .
[PARAMETER] will be displayed.
Press .
[ch1] will be displayed.
EX200n m EM30 0nm
X e 1000.00
Enter to Select
ch1 EX350 EM450
Input 0,200-900