User Manual

l IdentificationTab : (Figure 3-74)
ü Fill in or edit the data as desired.
ü To have this information displayed when you start your device,
select “Display Owner Identification” at Power On.
ü To set up identification for remote networks, see Setting up
identification for remote networks.
l “Network ID” Tab: (Figure 3-75)
ü Enter the user name, password, and domain name you use to log
on to remote network.
Figure 3-72 Owner Properties Figure 3-73 Owner Properties
3.2.14 Password
Table 3-33 Password
l Password SettingTab : (Figure 3-76)
ü Enter the password
ü In the “Confirm password “box, enter the password again.
ü To require the password on startup, select “Enable password
protection at power- on“. and/or select “Enable password
protection for screen saver
ü To exit the Password control panel, press “OK” from the
control bar, or press the <Enter> key on the keypad.