User Manual

connection and a mail server connection. The remote connection connects you
and your ISP or network. The mail server connection downloads messages from
your mail server to Inbox on your device. When you select Services> Connect in
Inbox, Inbox starts a remote connection using the connection you specified when
setting up the current mail service. If you are already connected through a remote
connection other than the one you specified in the service, you will be asked if
you want to use the current connection. If you choose not to, you will need to
disconnect from the current connection before you can check for new messages.
¾ Select the Services menu and make sure that the service you want to use
is selected (the selected service has a bullet next to it.)
Select Services> Connect. The messages on your device and mail
server are synchronized: new messages are downloaded to the device
Inbox folder, messages in the device Outbox folder are sent, and
messages that have been deleted on the server are removed from the
device Inbox. Double-tap a message list to open it.
If you read a message and decide that you need the full copy, select
File> Get Full Copy while in the message window or Services> Get
Full Copy while in list view. This will also download message
attachments and meeting requests if you have those options selected in
the Inbox Preferences dialog box. You can also choose to download
full copies of messages by default.
When finished, select Services> Connect to disconnect. You also need
to disconnect your dial-up connection by double-tapping the icon in the
status bar and selecting Disconnect.
z Receiving entire messages consumes storage memory.
The size column in the Inbox list view displays the local size and server size of
a message. Even when a message has been downloaded fully, these numbers
may differ because the size of a message can very between the server and the
When using IMAP4 to get Outlook + data, you will see the contents of your
Journal folder. File editing transactions and documents (such as Task items,
e-mail message, and Word documents) attached using drag and drop will appear
as shortcuts on the device. A copy of the document will not be moved to your
device, and the shortcut on the device cannot be used to access the documents
associated with a journal entry to the device, attach the document to the entry
rather than dragging and dropping it. Also, be sure to set your IMAP4 service to