User's Manual

Some semiconductor devices are easily damaged by static electricity. You should turn the
printer OFF, before you connect or remove the cables on the rear side, in order to guard
the printer against the static electricity. I f the printer is damaged by the static electricity,
you should turn the printer OFF and contact your dealer for assistance.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
The ELLI X 30/ 40 Roll Printer is designed for use with electronic instruments such as system
ECR, POS, banking equipment, computer peripheral equipment, etc.
The main features of the printer are as follows:
1. High speed printing : 220mm/ s(ELLI X40), 180mm/s(ELLI X30),
52 lines per second( 12X24 Font, 220m/s)
2. Low noise thermal printing.
3. Support a variety of interfaces : USB default
ELLIX30: USB+ RS-232(Serial) / USB+ I EEE1284 / USB+ WLAN /
USB+ ETHERNET+ RS-233(Serial)
ELLIX40: USB Only / USB+ RS-232(Serial) / USB+ I EEE1284 / USB+ ETHERNET
USB+ WLAN / USB+ Bluetooth / USB+ ETHERNET+ RS-232(Serial)
4. Jam free (Implementation of automatic return of Cutter Jam)
5. Characters can be scaled up to 64 times compared to it’s original size.
6. The data buffer allows the unit to receive print data even during printing.
7. Bar code printing is possible by using a bar code command.
8. Different print densities can be selected by DI P switches.
9. Peripheral units drive circuit enables control of external devices such as cash drawer.
10. 2-dimantional bar code(PDF-417) and Two color printing.
Please be sure to read the instruction in this manual carefully before using ELLI X30/ 40.