User Manual

If you select the Export all option, the contents of the SIM card will be erased before the
contacts are exported to the card.
This setting is used to export the names and phone numbers of contacts on a SIM card into
the phone book on the phone. You can use the left soft key to select individual contacts to
import, or import all the contacts on the SIM card.
If an entry already exists in the Phone Book, the new entry will added in addition to the
existing entry. (The existing entry is not overwritten.) This means that you may have some
contacted repeated. We recommend that you check for any repeated entries and delete the
ones you do not need.
Memory status
This settings is used to display the amount of memory in use and available for use. Use the
Options soft key to select Reset to reset the phone book memory.
Resetting the phone book memory will erase all the entries in the phone book.
o Using the Calendar
Your phone includes a calendar and clock function that can be used to keep track of appointments
and other events. The calendar and clock are displayed during standby mode when the phone is on.
<Example of clock/calendar display>
Choosing the Calendar View
The calendar can se set to display a daily view or a monthly view.
To select the daily view:
Press the 4-way joystick to the left until the Calendar tab appears on the display.
Skip this step if the Calendar tab is already displayed.
Use the soft key menu to select Day view.
If there are any appointments for the day, they are listed.
Press the 4-way joystick up or down to scroll to an appointment, then press the OK key.
To select the monthly view:
Press the 4-way joystick to the left until the Calendar tab appears on the display.
Skip this step if the Calendar tab is already displayed.
Use the soft key menu to select Month view.
Dates that have an appointment or event scheduled will be underlined. Switch to Day view
to see details of the events scheduled for each day.
Creating a New Calendar Event
You can create and edit calendar events that notify you of the event with an alarm. This alarm can
be set to notify you at the time of the event, 5 minutes before the event, one hour before the event,
or one day before the event.
To create a new calendar event:
Press the 4-way joystick to the left until the Calendar tab appears on the display.
Skip this step if the Calendar tab is already displayed.
Use the Option soft key to select New.