Use and Care Manual

W1812 Owner's Manual (Mfd. Since 02/11)
This section covers the most common problems and corrections with this type of
machine. WARNING! DO NOT make any adjustments until power is disconnected and
moving parts have come to a complete stop!
Motor will not start. 1. The OFF Button is applied, or the
power switch is at fault.
1. Turn the power switch on with its key, reset or
replace the OFF Button or power switch.
2. Break or short in wiring; or loose
2. Trace/replace broken or corroded wires; fix loose
connections (wiring diagram on Page 40).
3. Has incorrect power supply volt-
age/power supply switch is OFF.
3. Verify and correct voltage/insert the key and turn
the power switch ON.
4. Blown fuse tripped circuit breaker
at main panel.
4. Repair for short, then reset/replace fuse or break-
5. Thermal overload relay in mag
switch tripped (main motor only).
5. Allow relay/motor to cool. If necessary, press reset
button inside switch.
6. Motor connection wired incor-
6. Wire motor correctly (refer to inside junction box
cover or manual wiring diagram on Page 40).
7. Contactor not energized/has poor
contacts (main motor only).
7. Test all legs for power, test field coil and replace if
at fault (wiring diagram on Page 40).
8. Motor ON switch at fault (main
motor only).
8. Replace switch.
9. Plug or receptacle is corroded or
9. Clean/retighten contacts; correct the wiring (wiring
diagram on Page 40).
10. Start capacitor has blown (main
motor only).
10. Test/replace if at fault.
11. Circuit board fuse has blown (feed
motor only).
11. Correct overload cause; replace blown fuse on cir-
cuit board.
12. Motor speed rheostat at fault
(feed motor only).
12. Test/replace if at fault.
13. Motor brushes worn/at fault (feed
motor only).
13. Replace brush set.
14. Centrifugal switch at fault (main
motor only).
14. Adjust/replace centrifugal switch.
15. Motor at fault. 15. Test for shorted windings or bad bearings; repair or
Continued on next page