Product guide

MASTER-work mode
1. AUTO-Mode: Auto run program and built-in colors
(40 Colors, see Master-Color Table).
Parameter: d:XXX (000-100%): Color intensity, adjust output control.
F:XXX (000-100): Fade-Time Parameter (0-60S).
S:XXX (001-100): Run Speed Parameter (50mS/Step-60S/Step).
2. AUDIO-Mode: Music-controlled programs and built-in colors
(40 Colors, see Master-Color Table)
Parameter: d:XXX (000-100%): Color intensity, adjust output control.
F:XXX (000-100): Fade-Time Parameter (0-60S).
Sound-controlled sensitivity can be adjusted. The device has a built-in mic and a Audio Input.
3. Online-Test: Connect every unit with a 3-pin XLR cable.
One is set to Master-Work, one is set to RGB-DMX-Mode. The received address is A:001.
Online test: Connect every unit with a 3-pin XLR cable. Every unit is set to the same DMX work mode and
the received DMX addresses are the same (001-512). When a DMX signal is received, the devices
function synchronously.
Button Function
MODE: Select work mode. Press and hold the MODE-button for more than a second, the unit will translate
the work mode. When you press and hold the MODE-button longer, the unit will translate a work
mode of 1.5S (RGB, C&B, AUTO, AUDIO). The referral point on the display lights up.
UP: Press once, the Parameter adds one step. When you hold down the UP-button, the Parameter value
will increase fast.
DOWN: Press once, the Parameter decreases one step. When you hold down the DOWN-button, the
Parameter value will decrease fast.
Function Table
Within 1 Sec. More than 1 Sec.
RGB +1 -1 None Mode Translate A:XXX
C & B +1 -1 None Mode Translate A:XXX
AUTO +1 -1 Parameter select Mode Translate d:XXX F:XXX
AUDIO +1 -1 Parameter select Mode Translate d:XXX F:XXX
C & B-Modus = (Color & Brightness)