User's Manual

.. o bawiqa aIkrowaft "ea. JGU lbouI4 Judp the ~dowa 8ad tbe ca.-e mrrcctl,. tbea,.. CAD nP8ir h with
rClpoadl-. wa," TIae ".haW", mUiC be praceed ID _4.. an, ba8t, coaclUlIon .. Dot r~~'le. _bcrwlle VNf.
"kJDI would be dCMIe wbcn rep8lr. Thc _Icrowa.e 0... ala' ~ur ca1pouad breakdown 4- to aU kIDdI vi different
IOAI. thai. wbeD OYcrbaui. tlte, aU .bouad be takc Into ConIld..CJoa. lipeci.1 aUcatIoa mult .. 1l.8ft to the -Icrowa.e
UII aad the elKtrlc wulatlCMa WbCD ualDlDc becau.e the, may do barlr.ful to the rcpalrll1l .tall.
How to uamlne a _lcrowaYe OYCD wltb brcakdoWD1 A better mcanl wbl~ dcmoaltrated In practlu) opcratlq ... tb.-.JI
Inspect... and U.tenlnl. OD the baa.. oflarae amountl 01 perceptual knowled.e. you can Judp and .DaI,,11 the --.
down quickly and cwrcctl.
. .. laspectJoa.
lllapcd whether the OVct1 shape II dl..dcred and wbeR Is the dllor4ered position. Ilany. 18 II 1a'm81 11 the C8blnel
disordered 8 little. btlt abnormal II the oyen. the dC»r disordered. the dOCN' hook broken. the door cnxIked. w then are
100 much looscnal between the dCXJr 8nd the oyen after the door II closed.
1. Ustenlnl.
Usi-lns to the voice 01 the o.en operatfna and the nolle or the Ian after It ~ucted. MIIIOf -wco wen" nolle. c7cllnl
nolle and -,hllhl" Mise should be consider al normal. But it II abnorm8111 the rollowlna nolle occured:
(.) Sound -wen wen- nol,e.
(Z) Lmll time "shlshl" IIGlse.
, (3) Strike voice Uke "plpa ptpa".
I. ExamIne Ih. mlcrowa.. Insulatlna realstaKe.
Meaa"'8 the InsulaClnl resistance wIth. aYOlIICCer or . &nepoJlmalcler Cbe ..Iue should IKJt less Cban 2 mcpoh81. Oth-
erwtse. part eamlutlon I_ad be taken .t once. Sucb as checklnl whether Cbe motor. the thcrm81 cutout. the trans-
IOrmer or the C8pacltor .re electricity leeklnl.
1. Eum~tJoa of the rcslltaKe value or the mlcrowaye oven.
i Close rIle door. act the tJlDC.(thc OVcD II at Of)er.tlnl condition but the power pluS havn't been pluaed In). _casure
I the two rett (L- N) 01 tbe power pluS with R Xl Ifade ola ayometer. the r..altance value lhould be abOllt 1.5 ohm.
, 11 open drcult ~ured. tllcn you must check wllcCher the 8A ruse II broken. the prlmar7 wlndlq 01 the traasrormcr Is
open drculC. tIle thermal cutout I. open circuit or not. you mult check whether the Interlock dcylce II put tbroup or
an the plull .r. connected wcll. Ir short drculC OCCUl'ed or Chc rdlistance less than 1.5 ohm. you should cllcck whether
tbe prima" willdina or tllC power transrCN'mer I. sbort - circuited or part .hort - circuited.
! 3. Bumln.tlon of _Icrowave leakaac.
Measure the mlcrowa.. leakale with a mlcrowa.e leaD Ie measure. Place a paduate or 275mJ water at the middle or
the alas. tray or the o.en (fiG. 5 - 1). CI~e tllC door. power act hIgh. time let to 3 minutes. pre.. the startl. button
to operate the oycn. After redtlOed the microwave leauge measure. measure arOllnd the door crack. thOle hole posl-
tlOll or tbe window and the air yent .t roul' aides or the oven with the probe or thc measure. When -easul'c. the mavIns
lpeed or til. probe Ihould not CKcecd 25-m pcr second. and the mcl'surlng directlOll should be Chc s.ate with the outina
dlrecaloo or tile micro tcakale (fiG. 5 - 2).
\\'baa measurial. the ultimate value or ic.".ge or all the measured position should not exceed 1 mllllwa"1
cmJ. or Ihould be considered as abnormal.
4. &amine when the OVeD at operating. but the lood an' t be heated.
(I) Enmlne when the lamp .. 01'. thc llall tray II cycllnl. the ran operating In norm8l:
Take olr the C8bJnet. ItanlD1 the UYen. mea.ure Ih. pluS or the Iransrormcr with a ayometcr to Ice whether It lie.
nou&II to .20v. Ir It is enou,h to 120v. Ihcn the sccond.ry hlah .oltage or the transrormer should be a.mined as
FIG.! - 3.

Summary of content (9 pages)