User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Shure Incorporated
G: (Group)
Assign a frequency group.
C: (Channel)
Assign a channel.
Manually select a frequency.
Displays the TV band for the selected frequency.
Channel Name
Channel Name
Use the control wheel to assign or edit the channel name.
Channel Scan
Finds available channels within the selected group:
Find Next: Selects the nearest available channel
Find Best: Selects the channels with the best RF noise floor
Group Scan
Scans the selected group to find all available channels.
Transmitter Slots
Use the control wheel to assign and view transmitter slots.
ACTIVATE (ADX transmitters linked to ShowLink access point)
Choose a transmitter with the control wheel, and then press ACTIVATE pass RF and RF mute all other transmitters.
FLASH (ADX transmitters linked to ShowLink access point)
Flashes the display to of a transmitter linked to the receiver.
Removes a transmitter from the selected slot.
Assigns a transmitter to the selected slot when SYNC is pressed.
Transmitter Details
Displays build details and vital statistics for the selected transmitter.