User Manual

Shure Incorporated
Band Frequency Range (MHz) RF Power (mW)***
K56 606 to 714 2/10/20
K57 606 to 790 2/10/20
K58 622 to 698 2/10/20
L54 630 to 787 2/10/20
R52 794 to 806 10
JB 806 to 810 2/10
X55 941 to 960 2/10/20
*with a gap between 608 to 614 MHz.
**with a gap between 608 to 614 MHz and a gap between 616 to 653 MHz.
***power delivered to the antenna port.
†operation mode varies according to region. In Brazil, High Density mode is used.
Output power limited to 10 mW above 608 MHz.
K55 606-694 MHz
Country Code
Code de Pays
Codice di paese
Código de país
Frequency Range
Gamme de frequences
Gamme di frequenza
Gama de frequencias
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F *
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT *
M, N, NL, P, PL, RO, S, SK, SLO, TR *
all other countries *
* This equipment may be capable of operating on some frequencies not authorized in your region. See Licensing Information.