
4 REFLECTORS | SICK 2011-03-07
Subject to change without notice
Re ectors are an indispensable counterpart for all photoelectric retro-re ective sensors.
Together they form a xed functional unit. Reliable detection of objects can only be
guaranteed, even under critical application conditions, if both components are
optimally coordinated with one another.
 Sensing range and ef ciency of detection of a photoelectric retro-re ective sensor
are signi cantly in uenced by the quality and geometrical size of the re ector used.
The larger the re ector, the greater the operating reserve and the larger the sensor
sensing range possible.
Useful information about re ectors and re ective tapes
Standard re ectors vs. re ective tapes
Standard re ectors from SICK differ according to size, geometry and
mounting options. The large selection of different types guarantees
optimal sensor operation at all times and perfect integration into
Re ective tapes ( page 34 ff.) are typically used where use of a stan-
dard re ector is not possible due to mounting or space restrictions, or
if the application requires a large, uninterrupted re ection area. It is
important to note however that the sensing range of a photoelectric retro-
re ective sensor is signi cantly reduced compared to a standard re ector
of the same size when REF-DG or REF-Plus standard re ective tapes are
Re ectors and re ective tapes for laser sensors
Laser photoelectric retro-re ective sensors are particularly characterized by their large sensing ranges and very
small light spots. These place special requirements on the re ector however. If the re ector’s individual triple ele-
ments are too large, erroneous re ections may occur resulting in signal interruptions – particularly if the laser
light spot passes over the re ector.
For this reason, SICK provides ne triple re ectors specially for laser photoelectric retro-re ective sensors (page
18 ff.) that have a particularly small triple structure and hence guarantee a stable re ection signal. In the case
of re ective tapes, the REF-AC1000 with its uninterrupted microprism structure offers optimal signal stability and
sensing range for laser photoelectric retro-re ective sensors. REF-Plus and REF-DG standard re ective tapes on
the other hand are not suitable for laser photoelectric sensors due to their honeycomb structure.