User's Manual

UHF RFID Reader UR - SERIES User Manual v1.14
6 RFID tag error code
EPC C1G2ISO18000 -6CRFID tag error code
Error code type
Error code definition
Error description
error code
Other errors
All other errors supported by
the tag.
Memory full, or illegal PC
Memory location is not
found or unsupported PC
Memory locked
Memory is being temporarily
/ permanently locked, unable
to perform write operation.
Insufficient power supply
Unable to perform write
operation due to insufficient
power supply to tag.
error code
Undefined error
Tag unsupported errors.
7 Tag memory and access instructions
A. EPC C1G2 tags (G2 tags)
There are 4 memory areas in a G2 tags, reserved memory (also known as password memory), EPC
memory, EID memory and user memory.
Reserved memory: 4 bytes, the first 2 bytes are the kill tag password, and the other 2 bytes are the
access password. This memory is readable and writeable by default. The read/write protection
configurations of the two password blocks are isolated, they can be modified separately.
EPC memory: the EPC number of tag is stored in this memory. Word0 is CRC16 of PC value and
EPC number. Word1 is PC value, indicates the length of EPC number. Actual EPC number stars
from Word2. This memory is readable and writable by default.
TID memory: the inlay manufacturer predefined tag ID is stored in this memory. It is readable by
default but unwritable.
User memory: user data is stored in this memory. It is readable and writable by default.
Data length is required in many G2 commands, the unit of data length is either word or byte.
The length of 1 word is equal to length of 2 bytes.