User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Operating Instructions, 01/2014, A5E32221411-AB
Operating via the handheld programmer
Power up
Power up the device. A transition screen showing first the Siemens logo and then the current
firmware revision is displayed while the first measurement is being processed. SITRANS LR250
automatically starts up in Measurement mode. The first time the device is configured, you will be
prompted to select a language (English, German, French, Spanish or Chinese).To change the
language again, see
Language (7.)
to toggle between Measurement and Program mode.
[If the SITRANS LR250 FF is to be used in an FF application, configure using a network
configuration tool, such as DeltaV or NI-FBUS Configurator. See Quick Start Wizard via AMS
Device Manager (Page 70).]
Follow these steps to configure the device via the LUI:
Complete the Quick Start Wizard [see Quick Start Wizard via the handheld programmer
(Page 48)]. Completing the Quick Start Wizard or writing any parameter via the LUI causes
the device to begin measuring. The Resource Block (RES) and Level Transducer Block (LTB)
will move to Automatic mode.
AIFB 1 and AIFB 2 will remain Out of Service (as displayed on the LCD). These blocks can
only be configured and scheduled using a network configuration tool. For more details, see
System Integration in manual Foundation Fieldbus for Level Instruments (7ML19985MP01).
The last step of the Quick Start run from the LUI will place the RESOURCE block in
Automatic mode.