User's Manual

Chapter 2
The Basics
This chapter will familiarize you with your new phone system. It covers the following topics:
General Information
Terminology used in this Manual
System Capabilities
System Requirements
Audible Signals
Desk Station
Keys and the Display Area
Understanding Displays
How Menus Work
Speakerphone and Headset
Mobile Handset
Keys and Display Area
Understanding Displays
How Menus Work
Using a Headset
Special Features
Chapter 2 . The Basics 13
General Information
Terminology Used in this Manual
The words "mobile" or "intercom" when they appear in a display mean "cordless handset." The words "base" or "base station" in
a display mean "desk station." The "corded handset" is connected to the desk station and is commonly called a "receiver."
"Scrolling" means to move through menus by pressing various key. And "menus" are lists of options.
An "external" line is one that a phone company provides. An "internal" line is an intercom line. When you are on an intercom
line, you are talking to a cordless handset or the desk station like you would on a walkie talkie. The phone company is not
providing the connection.
To a low multiple systems with multiple cordless handsets to be installed near each other, each desk station must know which
handsets it should communicate with. This is called "Registration." The cordless handset cannot operate unless it is registered to a