User's Manual

Line 1, Line 2, And Intercom Key
OFF Line Available
ON Line in Use
Fast Wink Incoming Call
Flash Call on Hold
Slow Wink Barge-In Possible
Speaker/Mute Key
OFF Speakerphone Off
ON Speakerphone On
Fast Wink Speakerphone Muted
Flash Handset Microphone Muted
See Chapter 6 Answering System for information about tne
MAIL and MSG's keys. See Chapter 5 Directory and Ca/I
Log for information about the CALLERS key.
Understanding Displays
The desk station and cordless handset present information about call status and user options in their displays. The content
changes according to the state of the phone and the way you customize your phone.
if the Desk station is
waiting for a call, the
display will look something this. The date and time
are on the top line and the
second line gives you Answering System Information.
If you are receiving a call
and you subscribe to Caller
ID, the display will tell you
who is calling and which line
is ringing. You can choose whether the name or number is on the left side of the screen and how the name is
18 Chapter 2. The Basics
capitalized. See System Settings in Chapter 7 Customizing Your System for more information.
Other displays and Answering System functionality are explained in the appropriate sections.
How Menus Work
When your phone is handling a call, you see information about that call in the display. Displays also show options that you can
use to customize your phone, retrieve messages, or manage information. These lists of options are called menus. You scroll
through menus using various keys. Every time you press a valid key, you are either selecting an option or scrolling.
For example, to Set the Desk Station's Date and Time
1. Press the MENU key on the desk station.
2. Scroll to the "Date/Time" display using the FWD or BACK key and press the SELECT key.