User's Manual

To set Automatic Line Seizure preferences:
1. Scroll to the "Automatic Line Seizure" display and press SELECT. Scroll to the desired phone and press SELECT.
2. Scroll to the desired option and press SELECT. There are five options.
Both Prefer Line 1 means that when you initiate a dial tone, the Gigaset 2420 system will check for Line 1 availability
first. If Line 1 is busy, the system will seize Line 2, if available.
Both Prefer Line 2 means that if Line 2 is busy, the system will seize Line 1, If available.
Line 1 Only means that the system will always Try to seize Line 1 and Line 1 only. If you are not prohibited by Trunk
Access, you will be able to manually seize Line 2 at the desk station by pressing the LINE 2 key. If Trunk Access does
not allow outgoing Line 1 access, the cordless handset will not be able to make an external call.
Line 2 Only operates like Line 1 Qnly.
Off means that Automatic Line Seizure 5 disabled. You will be prompted to select a line manually. Note that the Qff
option is not available for the Fax/Modem.
Line Configurations
The Trunk Access feature allows you to decide whether a specific phone will receive only incoming calls, intercom calls, or have
full incoming and outgoing call access on any of the available lines. The default setting for Trunk Access is full incoming and
outgoing access for each phone. Trunk Access settings override Group Ringing and Automatic Line Seizure settings if there is a
The Group Ringing feature allows you to specify which handsets will be alerted when calls come into a certain line.
To set Group Ringing or Trunk Access options.
1. Scroll to the "Line Configurations" display and press SELECT.
2. Scroll to the desired phone and press SELECT.
3. Scroll to "Trunk Access" or "Group Ringing Qn."
4. To set Trunk Access, press SELECT. Scroll to the desired setting and press SELECT.
To set Group Ringing, press SELECT.
Handset Volume
For a temporary adjustment of the corded handset's listening volume see the Desk Station's Volume Keys section in this
For a permanent adjustment of listening volume, scroll to the "Handset Volume" display and press the SELECT key. Press the
π and θ keys until the desired volume is set. Press the SELECT key.
Hold Tone On
You can enable or disable the Qigaset 2420's hold tone. This tone beeps when your callers are on hold to reassure them that they
have not been disconnected. To enable/disable the hold tone, scroll to the "Hold Tone Qn" display and press SELECT. Press the