User Manual

Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_06
Building Technologies 6BLogin and log-out 2017-04-05
4.3 Logout
Note If you disconnect the PXM20 from the network without first logging
out, this can temporarily impair the performance of the plant (e.g. by
delaying the transfer of alarms). You should therefore always log off
properly as described below.
By repeatedly pressing ESC you can navigate to the top level. If you
now press ESC again, a dialog box will be displayed in which you
will be asked if you want to log off. Answer with Yes or No.
Alternatively, instead of No, you can press ESC.
1. Within the site, go to Alarming & functions.
2. Select Logout.
3. Confirm that you really do want to log out.
4. The site overview appears again (Figure 3-1).
Logging out with
Logging off via