User Manual

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Siemens Desigo Room automation - Engineering, mounting and installation CM111043en_13
Smart Infrastrructure Installation box / panel for TRA 2020-04-30
5.3 Geometric design
5.3.1 Mounting position
The mounting position is equivalent to the direction of the device labeling.
TX-I/O devices and PXC3.E16A can be mounted in any position:
· Wall, horizontal from left to right
or from right to left
· Wall, vertical from top to bottom
or from bottom to top.
· Over head.
· On a horizontal surface.
Ambient temperature -5...50 °C /
23...122 °F
Ambient temperature -5...50 °C /
23...122 °F
For the PXC3.x.7x types and DXR..., the following restrictions apply:
With restrictions *)
· Wall, horizontal from left to right
or from right to left
· Wall, vertical from top to bottom
or from bottom to top.
· Overhead.
· On a horizontal surface.
Ambient temperature -5...50 °C /
23...122 °F
Ambient temperature -5...45 °C /
23...113 °F
*) PXC3.x.7x: 50°C / 122 °F is admissible if the bus supplies use max. 2/3 of the
specified load:
KNX PL-Link 105mA, DALI 85mA and island bus 400mA.
· You must ensure, however, that sufficient ventilation is available to
maintain the permissible ambient temperature for the devices (inside the
cabinet / installation box).
Outside the installation box / panel temperature must be 10 K lower.
· In case of vertical mounting on a mounting rail, a stopper clamp is
required to prevent the devices from sliding off.
5.3.2 Space requirements
Space requirements in the installation box / panel can be calculated as follows:
· Number of I/O modules x 64 mm / 2.52 in.
· Number of power supply modules x 96 mm / 3.78 in.
· Number of bus connection modules x 32 mm / 1.26 in.
· PXC3 room automation station x 162 mm / 6.38 in.
· DXR2 room automation station (24 V) x 180mm / 7.09 in.
· DXR2 room automation station (230 V) x 112mm / 4.41 in.
· Transformers
· Terminal strips.
All connection terminals must be connected unhindered and inspected. We
recommend at least 30 mm / 1.2 in between the devices and the cable ducts.
This results in the following distance of the standard rails/cable ducts:
90 mm / 3.54 in (device width) + (b = cable duct width) + 2 x 30 mm / 2 x 1.2 in
(available space for wiring).
Number of devices
Observe free space!