Operating instructions

Configuring the fieldbus
6.1 Communication via PROFIBUS
Frequency inverters with Control Units CU230P-2 HVAC, CU230P-2 DP, CU230P-2 CAN
Operating Instructions, 01/2011, FW 4.4, A5E02430659B AD
value 1
15 hex Response too long (the length of the actual response exceeds the maximum transfer length)
16 hex Illegal parameter address
(illegal or unsupported value for attribute, number of elements, parameter number,
subindex or a combination of these)
17 hex Illegal format (change request for an illegal or unsupported format)
18 hex Number of values not consistent
(number of values of the parameter data to not match the number of elements
in the parameter address)
19 hex Drive object does not exist (access to a drive object that does not exist)
6B hex No change access for a controller that is enabled.
6C hex Unknown unit.
6E hex Change request is only possible when the motor is being commissioned (p0010 = 3).
6F hex Change request is only possible when the power unit is being commissioned (p0010 = 2).
70 hex Change request is only possible for quick commissioning (basic commissioning) (p0010 = 1).
71 hex Change request is only possible if the converter is ready (p0010 = 0).
72 hex Change request is only possible for a parameter reset (restore to factory setting) (p0010 = 30).
73 hex Change request is only possible when Safety Integrated is being commissioned (p0010 = 95).
74 hex Change request is only possible when a technological application/unit is being commissioned (p0010 = 5).
75 hex Change request is only possible in a commissioning state (p0010 ≠ 0).
76 hex Change request is not possible for internal reasons (p0010 = 29).
77 hex Change request is not possible at download.
81 hex Change request is not possible at download.
82 hex Transfer of the control authority (master) is inhibited by BI: p0806.
83 hex Requested BICO interconnection is not possible (BICO output does not supply a float value, however the BICO
input requires a float value)
84 hex Converter does not accept a change request (converter is busy with internal calculations, see r3996)
85 hex No access methods defined.
C8 hex Change request below the currently valid limit (change request to a value that lies within the "absolute" limits,
but is however below the currently valid lower limit)
C9 hex Change request above the currently valid limit (change request to a value that lies within the "absolute" limits,
but is however above the currently valid upper limit, e.g. specified as a result of the converter power rating)
CC hex Change request not permitted (change is not permitted as the access code is not available)