User Manual

Easy integration in higher-level systems
Due to the different reading options, the meters
are easy to integrate in systems from Siemens ‒
in the Synco living home automation system for
residential buildings, and in the Desigo building
automation system for office and administrative
All of them are maintenance-free and have a service life of
more than 15 years. Meters featuring ultrasonic technology
read consumption data without requiring any mechanical
parts, which helps ensure accurate measurements over the
long term.
Convenient reading and protecting privacy
Reading usage data is typically an inconvenient task for all
involved. However, meters from Siemens are designed for
convenience: They can read consumption data via wireless or
wired connection in a publicly accessible area of the building
as well as from outside the building or remotely. Entering a
home is no longer necessary, which preserves the privacy of
the residents. This makes appointments unnecessary and
makes it possible to perform the reading at the precise time
preferred by the biller ‒ using Internet technologies even from
the office via Ethernet or cellular network.