
Overview of tools:
Preparation of a project
For initial customer contacts and preparatory steps, sophisticated tools and other means, such as brochures,
technical documentation, guides and training courses, are available.
Tendering phase
The tools used for the classical tendering phase are the HVAC Integrated Tool (HIT) and the Desigo Configuration
Module (DCM). HIT facilitates the simple selection of field devices while, among other things, DCM allows for the
creation of extensive parts lists, which can also be used in the ensuing engineering process.
The EPC Tool allows for a quick analysis of the existing building automa-
tion and control functions to assess the energy saving potential and the
resulting payback time. The calculations are based on the building auto-
mation and control efficiency classes according to EN 15232:2012.
EPC – Energy Performance Classification Tool
Unterstützt Energieeffizienzstandard EN 15232. Das Tool bietet mehr als
300 vorkonfigurierte HLK-Standardanwendungen, die nach möglichen
Energieeinsparungen klassifiziert sind. Dies bietet dem Benutzer die
Möglichkeit, jene Anwendung auszuwählen, die am nächsten diese
Anforderungen erfüllt. Die Dokumente sind mit den Anwendungen
verbunden und präsentieren auch die Bedingungen die getroffen werden
müssen, um eine entsprechende Effizienzklasse nach EN 15232 zu erfüllen.
Mehr Informationen unter:
HIT – HVAC Integrated Tool
STST saves time when preparing functional bids. The comprehensive text
database contains product-independent texts to completely describe an
entire building automation system. The tool also comes with texts that
describe the system requirements on the management, automation, room
and field level. In addition, it supports individual descriptions of all appli-
cations for primary systems, room functions and control panels.
STST – Specification Text Selection Tool
The EEC Tool offers an in-depth analysis of the building automation and
control functions and a reliable assessment of energy savings and the
payback time. The calculation is made dynamically based on customer-
specific buildings. The impact of control functions is also calculated.
EEC – Energy Efficiency Calculation