
Room automation
Room operator units
For controllers RX.. and room automation (BACnet) (EnOcean and wireless)
2015Some products are not available in every country
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
Product Title Stock No. Product No.
Wall transmitter‚ EnOcean‚ titanium white 5WG4221-3AB10 AP 221/10
Wall transmitter EnOcean‚ aluminum metallic 5WG4221-3AB30 AP 221/30
Wall transmitter EnOcean‚ with I/O-symbols‚ titanium white 5WG4221-3AB11 AP 221/11
Wall transmitter EnOcean‚ with I/O-symbols‚ aluminum metallic 5WG4221-3AB31 AP 221/31
Wall transmitter EnOcean‚ with up/down-symbols‚ titanium white 5WG4221-3AB12 AP 221/12
Wall transmitter EnOcean‚ with up/down-symbols‚ aluminum metallic 5WG4221-3AB32 AP 221/32
The matching design frame must be ordered separately. See chapter Display and Operation Units - Pushbuttons.
Dimensions (W x H x D) 55 x 55 x 7.3 mm
Wall transmitter‚ EnOcean‚single‚ DELTA i-system
V One centered rockers
V Vertical operation
V Energy generation at the button press by means of induction‚ without batteries‚ maintenance-free
V Up to 2 pushbutton functions per rocker
V Selectable function per pushbutton: Switching Over‚ Switching On‚ Switching Off‚ 8-bit value‚ 1 push-
button dimming‚ 1 pushbutton sun protection control
V For the pushbutton pair selectable function Switching ON/OFF‚ 2-button dimming with stop telegram‚
2-button sun protection control
V Radio telegram according to EnOcean standard at 868.3 MHz
V Transmitting power of max. 10 mW
V As surface-mounting unit for screwing or sticking
AP 221