
Standard controllers
Communicating HVAC controllers
Application examples RMU..
2015Some products are not available in every country
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
Room-supply air temperature cascade control RMU720B..
V 7-day time switch with holiday / special day program
V Control of a variable-speed fan
V Control of the supply air temperature via the mixed air dampers‚ the heating
coil valve and cooling coil valve in sequence
V Frost protection with frost protection monitor
V Supervision of the supply and extract air fans with differential pressure sen-
V Supervision of the supply air filter with a differential pressure sensor
V Home automation / building automation and control system and technical
home/building management required satisfying Efficiency Class A
The indicated energy efficiency classification can be attained only if the fol-
lowing functions are implemented:
V Air flow control at the room level‚ demand control
V Air flow control at the air handler level‚ automatic flow or pressure control
with or without pressure reset
V With heat exchanger overheating control
V Free mechanical cooling (Outside air temperature and room temperature sen-
sor required)
V Supply temperature control‚ variable set point with load dependant compen-
To fulfill the classification‚ the plant must be equipped with
all indicated functions.
Room-supply air temperature cascade control RMU720B..
V 7-day time switch with holiday / special day program
V Control of a 2-speed fan
V Control of the supply air temperature via the heating coil valve and the cool-
ing coil valve in sequence
V Frost protection with the frost protection monitor
V Supervision of the supply and extract air fans with differential pressure sen-
V Supervision of the supply and extract air filter with a differential pressure sen-
The indicated energy efficiency classification can be attained only if the fol-
lowing functions are implemented:
V Air flow control at the room level‚ demand control (Air quality sensor must be
integrated as an additional feature)
V Air flow control at the air handler level‚ automatic flow or pressure control
with or without pressure reset (Automatic fan step switching corresponds to
Efficiency Class B / Step 2 must be switched based on air quality)
V Heat exchanger defrost control (Exhaust air temperature sensor required)
V With heat exchanger overheating control
V Free mechanical cooling (Outside air temperature and room temperature sen-
sor required)
V Supply Temperature control‚ variable set point with load dependant compen-
To fulfill the classification‚ the plant must be equipped with
all indicated functions.