
Room automation Synco
KNX accessories
KNX - System components
2015Some products are not available in every country
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
Data sheet
Voltage supply USB
KNX bus
Dimension width (1 MW = 18 mm) 1 MW
Bus connection Integrated bus coupling units
Via bus terminal
Via data rail
Communication Bus: KNX (S-mode and LTE mode)
Stock No. Product No.
5WG1148-1AB11 N 148/11
USB interface
V Electronics powered via bus voltage or via USB by a connected PC
V Integrated bus coupling units
V Bus connection via bus terminal or contact system to data rail
V Transmission PC D USB USB 1.1 or higher
V Electrically isolated access to the bus line via integrated socket USB (Typ B)
V Access to all bus devices in the system
V Modular installation devices for mounting on TH35 EN 60715 mounting rail
N 148/11