Installation Instructions

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Siemens Desigo Room automation - Engineering, mounting and installation CM111043en_14
Smart Infrastructure EnOcean RF networks 2020-10-30
15.8 Commissioning RF link
For operation, the connection to the gateway must first be set up. See data sheet
N1661 (Gateway EnOcean/LonWorks) or N1662 (Gateway EnOcean/KNX).
The LEARN button is located on the lower
section of the housing below the battery.
Press this button to create and immediately send
a complete learning telegram. The current
switching status of LEARN – pressed – is also
If the corresponding receiver is being configured,
the information helps assign a specific output
channel to the sender.
LEARN button
This procedure is referred to as "learning". A normal telegram does not initiate this
Repeat the procedure if you want to assign several output channels to one
The LEARN button allows for a simple function and range test. Make sure the
room device was charged sufficiently prior to testing.
Depending on receiver type and configuration, an LED indicates if the receiver
finds the LEARN button was pressed on a learned room device. No
acknowledgement occurs if the telegram is not received completely. Possible
causes: Distance too great or unfavorable mounting location with too many
interference sources within the radio link.
Off-the-shelf field strength measures devices that easily find the best mounting
locations for transmitter and receiver.
Additional information available at:
15.9 Gateways
Wireless room units together with a gateway (EnOcean/KNX) can be used with all
controllers on a KNX network.
Type Stock number Name
RXZ97.1/KNX S55842-Z101 Gateway EnOcean/KNX
See description of the gateway datasheet.
Send "Init" telegrams
Simple function check
EnOcean gateways
Engineering KNX