Assortment / System Description

Powered Box
Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan
156 | 275 A6V10866237_en--_b_08
Description Name Default value
Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMaxC 100 [m
Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMinC 50 [m
Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m
Fan start speed at the fan powered VAV box FanSttSpdFpb 50 [%]
Fan end speed at the fan powered VAV box FanEndSpdFpb 100 [%]
Maximum fan speed heating FanSpdMaxH 100 [%]
Minimum fan speed heating FanSpdMinH 50 [%]
19.1 Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan
2 different control strategies can be selected for fan operation on the fan
powered box application:
Serial fan operation: The air volume is only increased if the valve's or
reheater's positioning signal is fully open and the room temperature
exceeds or breaches an additional offset.
Parallel fan operation: The fan speed is increased in parallel to the valve's
or repeater's positioning signal.
The two strategies are illustrates in the following example using a modulating
fan and one heating and cooling valve. Both strategies can be used in the same
manner for staged fans.
Y Output signal TR Room temperature
SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint
YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve
Max. fan speed heating FanSpMaxC Max. fan speed cooling
FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling
OfsFanSttH Offset for fan start heating OfsFanSttC Offset for fan start cooling
Q Fan signal
Figure: Example of a serial control strategy using a modulating fan
Parameter settings