Assortment / System Description

Heat pump application
Outside air damper control
A6V10866237_en--_b_08 185 | 275
Dehumidification setpoints can be configured separately for each room
operating mode.
Description Name Default value
Relative room air humidity setpoint for Comfort SpHuRelRCmf 60 % r.h.
Relative room air humidity setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpHuRelRPcf 60 % r.h.
Relative room air humidity setpoint for Economy SpHuRelREco 70 % r.h.
Relative room air humidity setpoint for Protection SpHuRelRPrt 70 % r.h.
Availability in deviation of the heating setpoint/room temperature can be
configured to avoid too much cool down caused by dehumidification.
Description Name Default value
Maximum heating deviation for dehumidification HDvnMaxDhu 3 [K]
Hysteresis for max. heating deviation for
HysHDvnMaxDhu 1 [K]
20.29 Outside air damper control
The outside air damper primary supplies the room with fresh outside air. It can
also be used for take advantage of cooler outside air to cool the room.
The outside air damper is only opened if the fan is running. This can be based
on a cooling request, dehumidification request, or fresh air request.
A configured limit prevents the damper from opening too quickly is the air is
very cool. Closing and manual commanded are not prevented.
The ramp-up function is enabled if the outside temperature is below the
switch-on point for the ramp-up damper or the outside temperature sensor is
Description Name Default value
Switch-on point for ramp-up function SwiOnPtRup 5 [°C]
Ramp-up time outside air damper TiRupDmpOa 2 [Min]
Room temperature
based availability
Ramp-up time outside
air damper