Assortment / System Description

Lighting applications
Presence-dependent lighting control
222 | 275 A6V10866237_en--_b_08
The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:
Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.
Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if
the lights are switched on.
Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if
the lights are switched off.
Manual operation lock:
All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is
locked for manual operation.
Lighting on, or manual operation lock:
The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if
the lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual
operation is locked.
Lighting off, or manual operation lock:
The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if
the lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual
operation is locked.
Description Name Default value
Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation
Control of state LED