Answers for infrastructure and cities.
Energy Efficiency
Calculation Tool (EEC)
Using simulation calculations, show the potential energy savings due
to building automation functions in buildings and plants.
Simulation calculations showing
potential energy savings
Using simulation calculations, the EEC
Tool determines energy consumptions in
a building and its HVAC plants, for current
and future situations of building automa-
tion functions. Based on that, potential
energy savings and related payback times
can be identified.
These calculations consider internal loads
such as persons, lighting and devices,
as well as location-specific weather data.
Simple sun protection functions can be
taken into account as well.
Supported building types
The EEC Tool supports the following build-
ing types with corresponding structural
designs and preconfigured user profiles
(internal loads):
– Office
– School
– Residential buildings
Supported plant types
The calculations are performed for the
following plant types and the common
control functions they contain:
– Heating
– Hot water
– Cooling
– Ventilation and air conditioning
The Energy Efficiency Calculation
Tool (EEC) calculates potential
energy savings based on utilized
building automation functions in
buildings and HVAC plants, as well as
internal loads and specific local
weather data.

Summary of content (2 pages)