
Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl / englisch / A31008-M1025-L101-1-7619 / configure_router.fm / 21.07.2005
Schablone 2005_05_02
ì If your service provider supports the function, you can have the caller's number dis-
played via Display number of the caller (CLIP).
ì Select Hide own number for outgoing calls (CLIR) if you want to hide the number
of this extension for outgoing calls.
ì Different dial tones for fixed line and VoIP: If you activate this function, a different
dialing tone is used for Internet telephony than for fixed network telephony. This
means you can hear immediately when dialing a number whether you are calling via
the Internet or via the fixed network.
ì Leave the default setting for Hook flash time or change the data.
ì Select the appropriate settings for extension 2.
ì Click OK to apply the settings.
Dialing Plans
On this screen you can
u specify for certain phone numbers or prefixes whether they are to be dialled via the
Internet or the fixed network,
u enter a call-by-call provider for the fixed network,
u block phone numbers or prefixes.
ì To make these settings, select the menu entry Dialing Plans in the Telephony
Please remember:
u If you do not specify dialing rules, the default settings apply. All other calls are
made via the Internet. If, however, you press the * key twice before dialing the
number on the phone, then the call will always be made via the fixed network.
Switching over takes a little time. For automatic dialing, insert a pause after
the **. Please refer to the user‘s guide of your telephone, how to insert a
pause. You should therefore press: * key, * key, key for pause and then the keys
for the required phone number.
u If no VoIP (Internet telephony) is set, you will always make calls via the fixed
network and the dialing rules will not apply.
u If VoIP is set, then – depending on your provider a call-by-call number is pre-
set for fixed network calls.
Please check these dialing rules and amend them if you have agreed special
phone tariffs with another provider.
u If there is a power failure or if you have switched off the Gigaset SX541 WLAN
dsl, you can only make calls using a phone connected to the Phone 1 socket.
The dialing rules will not apply in this case.