
Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl / englisch / A31008-M1025-L101-1-7619 / configure_router.fm / 21.07.2005
Schablone 2005_05_02
ì Wait for dial tone on fixed line
When you activate this option, the device is waiting with dialing for a fixed line call
until the dial tone is recognized. Otherwise, the first digits of the number may be
lost, because it lasts some time to change from Internet telephony to fixed line.
ì If you want to make all fixed network calls via a call-by-call provider, activate the
function Preselection.
ì Enter the provider's phone number in the field Preselection number.
ì Phone numbers and prefixes are already entered in the fields for the Dialing plans.
You can leave these default settings, overwrite them delete them or add new ones.
ì In the Connection type selection field, you can specify whether the entered number
is always to be called via the Internet or via the fixed network, or else you can block
the number completely.
ì In the Comment field, you can enter a description for the number.
ì Clicking on Delete removes the whole line and you can add a new line by clicking
on the Add button.
You can define up to a maximum of 32 dialing rules.
ì Click OK to confirm the settings.