
Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl / englisch / A31008-M1025-L101-1-7619 / configure_router.fm / 21.07.2005
Schablone 2005_05_02
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for transferring data on the
Internet. You can use it, for example, to publish your own homepage on the Internet.
ì Activate the HTTP service for your Web server.
ì You can change the Port via which Internet users can access your data, for example,
to hide your data and protect it from unauthorised users.
For your security, it is only possible to publish data on the Internet via the HTTP service
if this is stored in the \gigaset_http directory.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for exchanging files on the Internet. You can use
it, for example, to offer files for downloading or to receive files from other users.
ì Activate the FTP service for your Web server.
ì You can change the Port via which Internet users can access your data, for example,
to hide your data and protect it from unauthorised users.
For your security, it is only possible to publish data on the Internet via the FTP service if
this is stored in the \gigaset_ftp directory.
In addition – for example, if you wish to change your own homepage via the Internet –
you can also set up FTP access in the \gigaset_http directory. You can allow this access
generally or only allow it for selected users with a user name and password.
ì For Access (read only), select whether all users may read your data in Anonymous
mode or only one Specified user.
ì Select whether Access (full control) to your data is disabled or whether a
Specified user may read, edit and delete your data.
ì Enter the name in the Specified user field. Define different user names for the dif-
ferent types of access and directory.
ì Enter the password for the user and confirm it by entering it again in the field below.
Please note when making the entry that the password is case sensitive. Avoid proper
names and all too obvious words. Instead, use upper and lower case letters, num-
bers and special characters.
ì Click OK to apply the changes.