
Administration and Status Information
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl / englisch / A31008-M1025-L101-1-7619 / admin_router.fm / 21.07.2005
Schablone 2005_05_02
Regional Options
To operate your Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl, you can select the location, time zone and the
format for entering the date and time, as well as configure the application for a time
server for the Internet time.
ì In the Advanced SettingsAdministration menu, select the entry
Regional Options.
ì Select the country where you are currently located from the list. You can make
the settings for the clock to change automatically to summer time and/or to the
Time zone as you wish.
ì Select the required option and/or select the Time zone for your location.
ì Select the required format for entering the date and time from the Date format and
Time format lists respectively.