
Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl / englisch / A31008-M1025-L101-1-7619 / configure_router.fm / 21.07.2005
Schablone 2005_05_02
ì Select the appropriate option to select or deselect the Internet function of the
Gigaset SX541 WLAN dsl.
You can edit the displayed virtual connection or add a new connection.
ì Enter the new parameters in the VPI / VCI fields.
ì Click Select to select the virtual connection for use.
ì Click Delete to delete an entry.
ì Click Add to create a new entry.
ì Click OK to save and apply the changes.
Internet Connection
On this screen you can set up or change the configuration of your Internet connection.
Any settings you make here must coincide with the features your Internet provider
makes available to you. False information can lead to problems with your Internet con-
ì If you wish to set up or change the settings for the Internet connection,
select Internet Connection in the Advanced Settings Internet menu.