
Traffic Outstation Handbook
667/HB/32600/000 Page 185 Issue 11
10.6.1 Information required from APT Skidata
The following information is required from APT Skidata to setup the Outstation (The
handset command for this parameter is shown in brackets) :
1) APT Facility Number (AFN)
Overall identifier for the installation controlled by the APT Skidata equipment (could
contain multiple car parks).
2) Car Park Number (ACN)
Identifies individual car parks within a facility. With Host comms 2 multiple Outstation
units can be connected to one facility and setup for different car park numbers to return
data to Siespace. Host comms 1 only supports a single device hence we can only
return a single car parks data.
3) APT Device Number (ADN)
Used to set a field in request messages sent from Outstation to the Skidata system.
Set to 1 during development and testing but APT to advise if this needs to altered.
4) Counting category (ACC)
Counts on an APT Skidata systems are divided into categories to cover, for example,
contract parking, public parking, people who have used credit cards etc. All categories
selected as included will be added together to produce the final car park count. The
customer must also be involved in choosing which counts go into producing the total
shown on the VMS. It is possible that only categories containing public space counts
would be required such that the signs show the number of public spaces available. Any
combination of categories can be included.
The default APT count categories are :
1 - Short term parker
2 - Contract parker
3 - Total
4 - 24 - user defined
5) APT Comms version (ACV)
Selects either host comms version 1 or 2. Version 2 is the later and is preferred.
6) APT Port number (APN)
Defines the port number we connect to the APT Skidata equipment on. The default
value is 10200.